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  • Writer's pictureJames Piper

The Day The Cinema Un-Died

Updated: May 20, 2021

A Monday evening in mid-May. I am cruising it up on the M6 in my mom’s Toyota hatchback. Navy cords donned. Jumper tucked in? You betcha. I look every inch a boss ass beeyotch as I put my foot down and blister away at speeds of up to, and including, 70mph.

Why such a bold look on a school night? It’s the day cinemas open, that’s why, chump. The inside of pubs can wait, I’m off to the Showcase. So after a chip shop dinner (battered sausage) I’m at the Walsgrave Cinema de Luxe. Pulling open their giant doors and stepping into a cinema foyer for the first time in nine months. Dimly lit. Popcorn & hotdog scented. Soft carpet. There’s a definite buzz of quiet excitement. A lovely moment.

I found myself dancing into screen 13, kicking through the ultraviolet footlights and seeing if they made my socks glow (they did). We settled into the grand armchairs and fiddled with the seat tilting controls. Essential prep. My cine-mate had snuck in some cans of prosecco which were cracked open at the loud bits of adverts. Seasoned professionals, its good to be back.

We’re here for the seven o’clock screening of Nomadland and as the adverts finish and the screen stretches to its full cinematic size, everything is in its right place again.

Nomadland was the perfect choice to facilitate my return to the big screen. What better choice than the Oscar winner to welcome me back. Luxurious images of desert-America scenery that can only be properly appreciated like this. It was a tender journey of a film that leaves you with the flavour of friendship and sunsets.

I became increasingly aware of my longing to be back in cinemas over the past few dreary months. Dozens of films watched on 13-inch laptop screens make the heart grow fonder, as they say. I craved this complete immersion that the cinema offers, and now I have it back, hopefully for good (CC: Boris Johnson). The money that has been saved by not going out for 9 months is now spring loaded, aimed to land plum in the cinemas pocket. Let battle commence.

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